Using environment variables in React applications

For React applications using Vite

In React applications using Vite (e.g. those using @nrwl/vite:* executors), Nx includes the following variables in the build process:

  • Variables prefixed with VITE_, such as VITE_CUSTOM_VAR

You can read more about how to define environment variables in Vite here.

You can then use these variables in your application code like so: import.meta.env.VITE_CUSTOM_VAR.

Using environment variables in index.html

You cannot interpolate environment variables into your index.html file for React applications using Vite.

For non-Vite React applications

In React applications (e.g. those using @nrwl/webpack:webpack or @nrwl/next:build executors for build target), Nx includes the following variables in the build process:

  • Variables prefixed with NX_, such as NX_CUSTOM_VAR

Defining environment variables can vary between OSes. It's also important to know that this is temporary for the life of the shell session.

Using environment variables in index.html

Nx supports interpolating environment variables into your index.html file for React and Web applications.

To interpolate an environment variable named NX_DOMAIN_NAME into your index.html, surround it with % symbols like so:

<html> <body> <p>The domain name is %NX_DOMAIN_NAME%.</p> </body> </html>